Masterstudium Kulturmanagement
Masterstudium Kulturmanagement: Lerne Kultureinrichtungen effektiv zu managen.

Masterstudium Kulturmanagement - Infos zum Master

Du interessierst dich für einen Masterstudium in Kulturmanagement?

Auf den MASTER AND MORE Messen stellen zahlreiche Hochschulen ihre Studiengänge vor.
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Folgende Hochschulen haben den Masterstudiengang Kulturmanagement im Studienangebot:

Asia - Europe Cultural Curatorship Studies (Postgraduate programme)
University of Antwerp
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg - Center for Advanced Studies
Kreatives Management
Hochschule Ansbach
Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism
University of Edinburgh
Museum und Collection Studies
Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
Wissens- und Kulturgeschichte
Universität Erfurt
Museum und Ausstellung
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Music and Creative Industries
Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
Collections and Curating Practices
University of Edinburgh
Film, Exhibition and Curation
University of Edinburgh
MA in Museum Studies
Central European University (CEU)
Sports, Culture & Event Management
Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol
Arts Management and Heritage Studies
University of Leeds
Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management
Koç University
Kultur- und Medienmanagement
Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HfMT) Hamburg
Universidade do Porto
Arts Management
New Bulgarian University
Curating Contemporary Design (in partnership with the Design Museum)
Kingston University
Arts & Creative Industries Management
Kedge Business School
Museums and Galleries and the Creative Economy
Kingston University
Global Creative and Cultural Industries
SOAS, University of London
Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies
University of East Anglia
Media, Culture and Creative Arts
Curtin University Australia
Management of Cultural and Artistic Activities
ESCP Business School
Curatorial Studies
Universidade de Coimbra
Management von Kultur- und Nonprofit-Organisationen
TU Kaiserslautern
Cultural and Arts Management
University of Winchester
Arts and Cultural Management
International University of Catalonia (UIC)
Creative Business & Social Innovation
EDHEC Business School
MBA Manager du marché de l’art
Groupe EAC
Museum and Gallery Studies
Kingston University
Curating Science
University of Leeds
Goldsmiths, University of London
International Master in Digital Innovation and New Business Design
MIP Politecnico di Milano
Cultural Policy and the Business of Art
Radboud University
Arts Management
IED Istituto Europeo Di Design
MBA Manager of the Art Market (2 years programme)
Groupe EAC
The University of Sunderland
MSc Marketing
NEOMA Business School
Museumsmanagement und -kommunikation
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW)
... ...

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